Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Work day

Well, today was a work/study day. It was a snowy, blustery day here in New Tusket. So, I stayed inside working on readings and assignments for Wednesday and Thursday; for school.

My last official day of university is April 5; with only one exam due. I think it will be a take-home exam; but it doesn’t make them any easier (or shorter). Commissioning Dinner and Service is May 11. So far I have 2 of my four siblings confirming they will come. I hope and pray that the other 2 can make it. It would mean SO much to me if they all would come.

Convocation is Sunday, May 13 at 3:00. The university gives only 3 tickets per graduate. So, for me that leaves out a lot of family and friends not able to attend. My wife, Peggy, my daughter, Tanya and her husband, Andy will be the three lucky ones.

I am still very moved from Sunday’s service; it was very special, that’s for sure. In my sermon, I spoke directly to the entire congregation, called them by name; and simply told everyone of them that God loves them very much. By the time I was done, I was so moved by the experience, I was in tears – as was many others. God’s presence was felt and His love confirmed.

Today I finished reading “The Pursuit of God” by A. W. Tozer; one of my last assignments for my Supervised Field Education class. We had to read this book and make journal entries, chapter by chapter. Well, that’s done, finally.

My next assignment (for Systematic Theology) is a 5000 word assay on the “End / Last Times, Eschatology, the Second Coming of Christ, the Day of Judgment, The Parousia.” Another tough paper; but, the last one before the take-home exam.

Well been thinking about this Sunday’s service and sermon. I not sure what I want to talk about. I pray that God will put something on my heart. I usually think about possibilities while I’m in the valley at school, write down ideas, and then focus on it on Friday when I get back home. I also prepare for Friday night’s Bible Study and Prayer Meeting, Friday morning and afternoon. Then, back to my service. By Saturday morning (with the help of God), I usually have everything together for Sunday.

Well, off to do some more work; and remember that God loves you, very much.

Blessings upon you all,
Pastor Brother Brian


Life As I Know It / A Light In The Harbour said...

WOW! You sure have a lot on your plate the next few weeks. Papers are TERRIBLE. I am a writer, and I still hated doing the papers at Acadia. I think it was because I was writing someone else's ideas, thoughts, etc, when I would much rather write from my heart. Good luck getting that Eschatology paper done. That is a hard one!

And take home exams/open book exams...I always found them harder.

The weather was FRIGID here todau. Not so much snow, but enough to be annoying... It is just the cold temps. I swear that it was 40 below with the wind chill. My hands are chapped and sore AGAIN. I will be so glad when summer comes.

And please beg/borrow/steal to get me a ticket...

Have a productive week!

Love your Baby Sister

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have alot of work to do! Good luck with your assignments and exams!