Sunday, April 15, 2007


You know the tag line from the movies 'Forest Gump' - "Life is like a box of chocolates?"
Well church-life is like peanuts.
This my introduction for the offering this morning in church:

" I want to talk about peanuts.
Well, this morning, I found this bag of peanuts in my cupboard, and I wanted to share these peanuts with all of you. I want each person to get a good-sized, hand full of peanuts.

But, I have a problem, there are only 183 peanuts in this bag; I don’t have enough to go ‘round – I don’t have enough for everyone to get a good-sized, hand full of peanuts. What should I do?

Maybe, since everyone won’t get some, I should just keep them to myself. But, as I looked in the cupboard, I found this bag of peanuts.

Then, Peggy found this jar of peanuts,
Tanya found this bag,
I found this bag in my briefcase,
Then, when I got here, someone gave me this bag,
Someone gave me this bag,
And, someone gave me this bag.

And now, as I look at this big bowl, filled with all the peanuts people gave, I know I have enough to go ‘round.

Our offerings, our life, are much the same. Sometimes, what we give seems like peanuts – such a small, unimportant amount. But, if we combine our peanuts, with someone else’s peanuts, then there is always enough to go ‘round.

I encourage all of you, no matter how insignificant you think what you give is, combined with the giving of others, we all make a great difference in this world, and in the lives of others.

Blessings upon you all; God loves you too.

Check out the sermon "What is the purpose of my life?" (From the pulpit of New Tusket - link below)


Looking for Angels in Alberta said...

Wonder analogy!! Way to go Super PBB. I miss NT services and sermons. I am not ready to give up yet, but the 'big church' was not really for me.
The Sermons that mean more to me, focas on the well being of ourselves and the others around us. How Jesus gives us the love to empower our lifes, and the lifes of those people that are close to us and those that just cross our paths.
Focasing on what we are doing 'wrong', leaves little time to rejoice in the rightness of the powerful feelings Jesus gives us when we believe.
And why am I craving peanut butter?

April Mullen said...

I liked the "peanuts" thing... I'm just sorry I didn't get a HANDFUL!


Life As I Know It / A Light In The Harbour said...

April, I will have some peanuts here for you when you come...

Hey Brother... How is that bike? How many KMs are on it now from going up and down the driveway??

Love your Baby Sister

Anonymous said...

I have come on twice in the last day and have read Christina's message and have shed many tears. My heart goes out to you as well as my prayers, but I am also grateful that you have this forum to come to and get encouragement as well as keep us all in touch with how you are doing.
Christina I pray that you will seek out friends who can help you, ontinue to pray for guidance and do not forsake what you know is God's will for you. I pray that God will give you the resolve to continue against all opposition that the devil will throw at you.
It grieves me to know that you are going through such a difficult time and feel so alone at this time.Stay strong and know that we love you and are in prayer for you and your situation.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Brian:
I come on and read your blog everyday and look for other people's comments as well as looking at the sermons.
I feel for Christina who is so far away from us and is going through a difficult time, feeling so alone.

But I am reminded about a portion of scripture in Esther. Esther was in a position that she could help her people the Jews and her uncle Mordecai made the comment that "Who knows but that you have come to royal position "for such a time as this." When I look at this blog and the input from readers I know why this blog is here for "such a time as this".
I am thankful that it is there for Christina to keep in touch and we can be there for her hopefully to encourage and pray for her. She can keep in touch and read the sermons that she is missing and find strength from the word. Thank you for this blog and what it means to others, and for the outlet that it provides.

Thursdays Child said...

Now that I have updated my blog, do I now rate a link on your site??


PS: those peanuts were really good - as was the road trip, we'll have to do it again, sometime!!

Anonymous said...

Where is the must be doing something interesting!!! I am waiting!!
