Friday, May 18, 2007

Special Times

It’s been a busy few days for me. Over this past weekend I attended my Commissioning Dinner and Service at Acadia Divinity Collage (ADC) and Convocation Exercises; and graduated from Acadia University with my Bachelor of Theology degree. I am so blessed that God lead me to ADC, helped me through and guided me to New Tusket Baptist Church.

I was very pleased and honored as all my brothers and sisters (and spouses), along with my wife (Peggy), my daughter (Tanya), friends and church family from Cambridge and New Tusket came and shared in my joy. Without family and friends our accomplishments seem less.

Thank you to all who helped and aided me along the way. Blessings, upon you.

So, in my absence from church last Sunday, Mr. Jonathan Thompson preached a message on fear. The service was very special in a lot of ways. First, Jonathan was preaching. Then, it was his birthday as well. And finally, it was Mother’s Day. Everyone I talk with says the service was amazing. To read Jonathan’s message, please go to the “From the pulpit” link on this page.

Well done, Jonathan, and thank you.

This Sunday’s message is all about feeling lost, lonely and unfulfilled. Title: MIA. Also, Sunday night is the beginning of our Marriage Enrichment course, here at the church, beginning at 6:00. All are welcome. The only stipulation is that you must be married to attend. So, you still have 2 days to find and marry someone to attend.

The course is designed to help you communicate (talk) better with your spouse, spend some quality time together (date), as you share a meal together (food). All discussions are between you and your spouse and you will not be asked to share anything with the group. This course is for you and your spouse. Please come☺

God loves each and everyone of you and wants nothing but the best for you.

Peace be with you;
Pastor Brian


Life As I Know It / A Light In The Harbour said...

Just as plug for the Marriage Course... Al and I took it last year and really enjoyed it. It is not at all intimidating, if that is what may be holding you back. You do not have to speak in front of anyone besides your spouse, BUT you DO need to speak TO your spouse. Please, go. You do not need to be in "trouble" in your relationship to attend, if that may be what you are thinking. It is a really good course and we highly recommended.

{And no, Pastor Brother Brian did not ask me to say that...}

Looking for Angels in Alberta said...

Just knowing that God wants the the best for you can be comforting.

Congrats on your graduation. How blessed you were to have your so many off your family there.
I hope you are having better weather for the long weekend then we are. Rain, rain, rain, with a slight chance of snow. Sunny Alberta..whatever.