Monday, February 18, 2008

The Spirit of the Lord is in this place!

Hi Folks,
The service yesterday was totally amazing.; I really felt the presence of the Lord - as He moved through out the santcuary. the crowd was big (50+) with so many smiling faces.

Little Amber read the call to worship, the first time she has read scripture in church. She did a wonderful job and people really listened to her. The opening hymn was "Moment by Moment" hich seemed so appriopiate to the sermon and our lives in general - as God leads our way and we deal with 'stuff' moment and moment.

Our quarette sang a wonderful piece about God's love. Some of the congregration shared their valentine moments with us and I could feel the Holy Spirit touching hearts.

I shared a story (from a Christian Chicken soup book that my darling daughter bought me for Christmas) with the people. It was about how God uses our mistakes for good. That too was what the sermon was as well. Almost Persuaded was the title of the message but also a life title as well. We looked at the Temptation of Christ by the devil in the wilderness and how He over came those temptations by seeking refuge in the scriptures. That is what we must do as well.

I felt that God blessed our service yesterday by His presence and I hope people were touched by everything tht happened yesterday. Amber reading scripture, Gyadys offically joined the chior, the music was hearthfelt and people interacted and smiled.

Great, great service.

Well have a blessed day, see you soon.
Pastor Brother Brian

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Day of Celebrations

Today's service was quite special. First of us we celebrated the fact that God showers us with blessings, and seond we celebrated and thanked Stella M. for her 40+ years of service to this church. Her service was not just to the Newt Tusket Baptist Church, but to God's Church.

Allison M. played piano for us today during our special music time, then her and her sister Mikaela read scriptures. I am so amazed at these kids that step up and do things in church when other kids their age would be scared to do so.

I had a ball with the children's story today, as Danielle M. helped me show and tell as i and all the kids took a walking-tour of heaven. We saw many wonderful things, streets paved with gold, pure white bulidings, and so many happy faces.

They learned that God simply wants to shower us with blessings, if we would only ask.

The celebration after the celebration was awesome. The food was greeeaaaat! and so many people were very thankful to Stella for her committment. The Sunday School kids sang a very special song to the guest of honor. Then Verna gave a speech about Steela and al she has done for the church, and there were a few tears.

Two meaningful celebrations today, all made possible by God.

Well I am off to the Simspon Lectures tomorrow in Wolfville for 3 days.

Have a great week, blessings upon you all
Pastor Brian

Friday, February 8, 2008

Bible Study

Ya' know, I am truly amazed how God blesses us.

The new mid-week Bible study is called "Faith Cafe", and the atmosphere is based upon going to a coffee shop, sitting with friends and talking about life. The lessons include looking at ourselves, looking at God, and looking at our world.

We have 3 tables and people are free to sit where they feel most comfortable sitting. The average number of people coming is between 16 and 18. We have three table leaders who have really stepped up. Well done Craig M. April M. and Peggy R. Keep up the great work and keep the talks going.

Ever since we started this Bible study, I have been worried about getting everything covered in the allotted time, as to not interfere with Choir practice. But, this past Wednesday night I really listened and watched each table, and God allowed me to realize that covering all the material of the lesson was not important, but the intereaction and conversation was paramount. So I have ease off, and will allow the concersations to go where they go.

FYI: In the near future you will be hearing more about "Faith Cafe" as we will be branching out. Stayed tuned.

This past Sunday I was a little over (almost 30 minutes by the time we finished communion), so this Sunday I hope to finish a little early - as we will have a celebration of thanks to Stella M. for her 40 years of service to our church.

Thank you God for sending people like Stella to us.

Next week I will be going to the Simpson Lectures in Wolfville for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; coming home sometime on Thursday. The theme of the Lectures this year is; "Preaching Life to Death." All the Lectures and workshops revolve around death in our society how we handle it, and how pastors can best miister to those who morn and greive and hurt.

Should be very interesting.

Well, have a great day, see you all on Sunday.
Remember, God loves you all.
Pastor Brother Brian

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Special Sunday

Hi Y'all,
Today's service was pretty special. Pastor Emertius Jonathan openned with a call to worhsip from: Hosea 6:3; Psalm 5:3; Psalm 22:4-5.

Listen to these words, and listen how faith builds, if we truly believe.

As surely as the sun rises, the Lord will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. (Hosea 6:3)

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation. (Psalm 5:3)

In You, O Lord, our fathers put their trust; they trusted, and you delivered them. They cried to You, and were saved; in You they trusted, and were not disappointed. (Psalm 22:4-5)

As surely as the sun rises, the Lord will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. (Hosea 6:3)

No matter what happens in our lives we can trust in the Lord.

April M sang a most amazing song that remined us that God is amist our storms of life. It was one of those moments where hearts are united and God's Holy Spirit evelopes all.

During our Thankfulness time, God was truly glorifed as people shared what God had blessed thm with and how He had been active in their lives.

Our Pastoral Prayer was based on Romans 8:26-27.

Laurie lead the children's story and remined us of how "messy" sins is and how God is the only one that can wash away the dirt of sins.

The message today was about how we who follow God's ways are secure in our future, after death. We sang the old favorite, "The Wisman Builds His House Upon the Rock."

Jonathan assisted in the communion, as people came up and were served the elements.

Overall, we went over by 30 minutes, but I feel the extra time was well-spent.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Yesterday - when I was young

The service yesterday was pretty cool.

Our piano player (Linda M.), our slideshow creator & powerpoint presentor (Christy M.) and our praise song & chourus leader (April M.) were not at church so we had no powerpoint, no praise songs, but sheila T. played the organ, with Dolores M. assisting her on piano - with Laurie M. and Arthur T. playing back up on guaitars. All in all God blessed us with some wonderful singing and some meaning moments.

The children's story was fun and informative. With the help of the kids playing all the parts, I told the story of the great flood - but especially from the point of view of the Dove. Turned out great. I really enjoy working with the kids during the chidren's story.

Last night Peg and myself traveled with Sankey, Daina, Corey and Craig to Rev. Edwin's church in Eastern Passage (I think) to his Sunday night service/bible study called "His Space." The theme, the music and presentsation was very comtempary with about 40 people in attendance; men, women and children - of all ages.

The music was great, maybe a bit loud at times, but very inspiring. The contemary songs had some great messages. Good time - very interesting to see older and more elderly men and women standing, hands raised in ordation and 'grooving' to the music, right along side some youth.

Blessing to you all today; keep chasing after God and He will find you.


Friday, January 25, 2008


Hi everyone, please accept my heartfelt apology for forgetting about you. I've had quite a fe people "suggest" I start updating - so I am here to say, at least once a week I will blog you something.

I also have updated and posted all my latest sermons. I will continue to post those for sure.

Gradts go out to Michelle and Chad.
Also last evening at the council meeting I gave out 4 of my "Pastor's Pat on the Back" awards. Or as Diana M. says "The flying fickle finger of fate awards." I hope I got that right. I hadn't heard that expression in a long, long time. Can any one tell me whee that came from?

So pat on the backs went to; Daine P for cooperation, Hilda M for committment, Verna M for her encouragement, and Phyllis S for her positive attitude. A fifth pat on the back was schedlued to be given but the receptant did a no-show, so that person will have to wait untill next year, to see if I will give it then???

Blessings upon my daughter and her new job as a live-in nanny. I know she will be a wonderful nanny, because she has a heart of gold, and is simply wonderful. Miss you much T.

Pray for Peggy as she continues to drive from Digby to Weymouth, daily and mostly nightly. The weather gets bad along the shore and driving at 12:00 midnight is not fun. I love you Peggy and appreciate all you have done and continue to do for me, so I can do what I do.

I am so excited, surprise and amazed at the turn out for our new bible study, entitled "The Fait Cafe." The environment is set up like a coffee shop and people have refreshments and conversations of the assigned topics; and have fellowship. 18 came the first night and 20 the second night. If your interested, its Wednesdy nights at the church @ 7pm. All are welcome.

Well, not a bad blog for starters. See you next time - hopefully next Sunday or Monday.

Blessings upon you all, and remember God has always loved you, loves you right this very minute, and will continue to love you no matter what happens or what you may do.