Sunday, February 3, 2008

Special Sunday

Hi Y'all,
Today's service was pretty special. Pastor Emertius Jonathan openned with a call to worhsip from: Hosea 6:3; Psalm 5:3; Psalm 22:4-5.

Listen to these words, and listen how faith builds, if we truly believe.

As surely as the sun rises, the Lord will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. (Hosea 6:3)

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation. (Psalm 5:3)

In You, O Lord, our fathers put their trust; they trusted, and you delivered them. They cried to You, and were saved; in You they trusted, and were not disappointed. (Psalm 22:4-5)

As surely as the sun rises, the Lord will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. (Hosea 6:3)

No matter what happens in our lives we can trust in the Lord.

April M sang a most amazing song that remined us that God is amist our storms of life. It was one of those moments where hearts are united and God's Holy Spirit evelopes all.

During our Thankfulness time, God was truly glorifed as people shared what God had blessed thm with and how He had been active in their lives.

Our Pastoral Prayer was based on Romans 8:26-27.

Laurie lead the children's story and remined us of how "messy" sins is and how God is the only one that can wash away the dirt of sins.

The message today was about how we who follow God's ways are secure in our future, after death. We sang the old favorite, "The Wisman Builds His House Upon the Rock."

Jonathan assisted in the communion, as people came up and were served the elements.

Overall, we went over by 30 minutes, but I feel the extra time was well-spent.


1 comment:

Tanya Reid said...

I really miss your services dad :( Hopefully once I get everything settled here I could come in for Sunday services somewhat regularly.

It was beyond awesome to see you guys on Sunday. It was nice to actually be able to chat with you guys, and see you guys. I miss that and miss you guys too.

Being away like this is hard on both of us, but... absence makes the heart grow fonder! :)
Love you guys.