Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Lots to talk about today.

VeBS was simply amazing! Thank you Christy and April – and all the kids who came. I also want to acknowledge the teachers, leaders and helpers – well done and thank you for giving to the Lord. Our kids are our future; and what a bright future we do have.

Sunday’s worship and Communion service was very special. We had some guests who were treated to the VeBS kids and leaders singing. Everyone did a wonderful job. The songs they sang all added so much to the service. The call to worship song “I Worship You” was very appropriate for Communion and though provoking for us adults. Children telling us we should worship God – Amen.

The other 3 songs all had strong messages for us who really listen to the words. Great job done by the VeBS kids.

Allison Marr’s bulletin cover was so very cool and seemed to be a big hit. I liked the new pastor – Pastor Brain. Brains and hair too – thanks you Allison. The 2 seagulls were very cool as well.

Speaking of seagulls, the puppets that Diana made for her class were totally amazing. They reminded me of Gertrude and Heathcliffe. Trivia question for today. From which TV show were Gertrude and Heathcliffe part of???

On Sunday we had 2 visitors, who came along with Glenda and 2 other gentleman who came seeking something. I pray that with God’s help (and ours) that these men can find what they are looking for.

This coming Sunday, we will be looking at Matthew 15:21-28 and how Jesus cast out a demon from a little girl. Sounds so simple, but what are the hidden meanings behind this Gentile woman asking for help for her daughter. Who did Jesus come to minister to, the Jews or the Gentile OR the Jews and the Gentiles?

Then the week of August 13 to the 19, I will be on vacation – so there will be no Sunday morning service on August 19, but in the evening of August 19, we, as a church, have been invited to go to Bear River East Baptist church and lead the service and bring the message. I will speaking on Hebrews 12:1-3; the title of the sermon – “The Man Behind the Man in the Mirror.”

I am looking for choir members to come to Bear River East and help lead the congregation, in an outdoor/drive-in service (or anyone else who would like to step in on that night).

It has been a very busy summer thus far. We have had the Marriage Enrichment Course, VeBs preparation, the Couple’s Retreat/getaway, and then VeBS itself. God has blessed us with much success, fun, laughter and love.

Thank you, Lord!
Thank you, Lord!
Thank you, Lord!

This Sunday we will have any bulletin created from the kid’s artwork (from a few weeks ago). I wonder whose drawing it will be?

Well blessings upon you and remember; God loves you – very much.