Wednesday, March 28, 2007

At It Again

Hi Everyone,
Well it's Wednesday morning which means I am "off and away" (to quote Dr. Suess. Off to Wolfville for a few more classes. Full week this week and lot's to do as well. I am a paper due at 2 today, I must lead a discussion tonight at 6:30 concerning sexual ethics in church - I think I'll focus on out judgemnt of homosexuals and compared to loving them as people. That should get things stirred up. Then tomorrow evening is Systematic Theology and only 2 classes left there. And I haven't finished my 5000 word essay yet - but I have dioone asll the research, I just need to type it in some sort of coerant form.

I'm off to see big brother's new bike. In a few weeks he will be surprise I know. Vroom, Vroom.

This Sunday I am preaching on Jesus triumphant ride into Jerusalem. Corey is helping me with the whole service and communion - since he is the last deacon around, whereas all the others are down south somewhere on vacation. Next Tuesday night I am preaching at Ashmore Church during the pre-Easter services. That should be fun and sacry all at once. God will loook after me. Christy and my daughter, Tanya will share their gift of music that night as well.

Then next Sunday is Easter. We will be having a continental breakfast at the church at 8:30, with serivce atarting at 10:00. There will be no Sunday School and the service will start one hour earlier. Come out to the service or one of the services at Ashmore this coming week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdsay and Friday).

Well I got to go to Wolfville now. Have a great week and see you all on Friday - Bible study.

Blessing and remember God loves you all very much.
Pastor Brother Brian

Check out Christy's blog

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunny Sunday

Well, Deal or No Deal was a huge hit and a blast. Over 50 people came, looking for a chance to win the big money. But in the end only four were chosen. Linda M. came in last with zero dollars, Sheila T. second to last with $450.00, Bernice B. $144,000 and Diane P. winning the big prize with $224,000.

We started at a little past 7 and end the evening at 10:15; we raised over $300.00 for the youth for their programs. Thanks so much for all who help make the evening a great success; especially Christy and Corey. Pictures to follow.

The service today was nice. It had some wonderful moments and the sermon wasn’t half bad. Oh, please check out the link below for today’s sermon online. Verna and Alvin sang a great hymn and I was most impressed. The thankfulness time was quite moving as someone new to our church expressed her thankfulness for how the church has accepted her and her family. Also, a long time member expressed her thanks for being back in church, after the winter weather had kept her home.

The church was full with lots of smiling faces today; that’s all God wants from us, our love and He wants to see us smiling and happy (in church).

Thanks to all who make New Tusket United Baptist Church a place where people are happy and smiling. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

God loves you all very much.
Blessings upon you all;
Pastor Brother Brian

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Deal or No Deal

Hi Kids,
Well tonight is Deal or NO Deal - New Tusket, at 7 pm at the church hall. All are welcome and it will be a lot of fun - with some people winning some great and fabulous prizes. The prizes were kindly donated by Atlantic SuperStore in Digby, Sissiboo Home Hardware, and private contributors.

The event is a fundraiser for our church youth and a freewill offering will be taken. Please come and support our youth, the church of tomorrow.

Seems there is lots of activities on the blog this week; keep it coming.

Tomorrow’s sermon is entitled “Hidden Cracks” and focuses on the prophet Isaiah trying to convince the nation of Judah to turn back to God for help, safety and security (Deal or No Deal?). I will post that sermon in the afternoon. Just go to “From the Pulpit of New Tusket” to read it.

Also, you will see instructions on how to comment or ask a question, and even suggest topics or scriptures for future messages. I encourage you to participate.

Well, see you all tonight and then tomorrow morning. Remember, God loves you all very much.

Blessings upon you all.
Pastor Brother Brian

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Teddy Bear

Well I guess I will defend myself now!!!
I am not a sisy or a whimp. Did anyone stop to think that maybe the pastor 'should' show emotions and maybe I putting it all on. So maybe I a teddy bear or maybe I have you all fooled.

Think about that!


Do you think that the fine people of New Tusket would accept a bald, bike riding pastor???
Just thinking, just a question for future reference.

Blessings. Remeber, God loves you all very much: even bikers;

Pastor Brother Brian (vroom, vroom)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sold: happiness & joy

I want to start by telling you all of just how proud I was of my brother today. Rockey has not had an easy life and Satan has visited his house more than once. I have never “preached” to him and have never brought up Christ “accidentally.” I have prayed for him and will continue to pray for all my sisters and brother. If Rockey ever wants more information on God, I will answer his questions, but I will never "pressure" him.

Anyway, life for him, at times, is rough. Well, this past week Rockey was talking about buying a new motorcycle. He talked about it and I knew he wanted it, he was OKed for the money, but was hesitant.

Today he asked me again; “What if I get into financial problems and can’t make the payments?” I told him the worst thing that could happen is that they might come and take the bike back. Then I asked him to take me out and show me the bike. So, we went.

The bike is beautiful! It’s a Kawasaki, Vulcan Classic Cruiser 900 LT; two-tone; silver and red, saddle bags, windshield, sissy-bar, and street pipes. As we talked about the bike and he showed me the many accessories, I could see how much joy the thought of buying a new bike brought him.

The more we talked, the more he thought about it. Finally, Rockey made a decision about something that would and will bring that joy home with him. Before we left, there was a tag hanging on that bike that read; “Sold: Rockey Reid.”

Rockey made a decision to do something in his life that would bring him happiness. I was, and, am so proud of my big brother.

That’s all God wants us to be, is happy. Sometimes other people will do things that bring happiness and joy to us, other times we do something that brings happiness and joy into someone else’s life, and every once in a while, we do something that brings, into our lives, our own happiness and joy.

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”

Blessings and God (even) loves bikers.
Pastor Brother Brian

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Make Up

Hi Everyone,
Well, the first order of business in Church today was to explain the "April" thing , and assure everyone that I (indeed) asked April to interupt my story last week; and to forgive her. April is really a sweet, well-mannered girl and would never do anything like that (unless asked to do so). I apoligize to April for making her look bad in front of her church family.

Today's sermon was about being so far away from God, that we might think we can never get back. Interesting right? Well if you look on the right hand side of this page and scroll down you will see a link there entitled: From The Pulpit of New Tusket. Starting today and every week, I will post my sermon for that week, for all to read and think about. And if you have further questions or comments please send them in.

Thanks to my little sister for helping me set this up.

Well, off to continue that 5000 word essay. Remember that God really does love you very much.

Blessings upon you all
Pastor Brother Brian

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Well this week was long and busy. And even though I was tired and rushed all week, I seem to have a smile upon my face all week – and I will tell you why.

At Church, I have been trying to tell this one story for about a month or so. The first Sunday I wanted to tell it was Communion Sunday, so I felt the story was inappropriate for that service. The next Sunday, I forgot about it. The next Sunday, I promised to tell the story next week. Well, when next week came, the service was running a little long, so I explained the situation to the people and, again, promised to tell it next week. I told them that it was a really good story and well worth the wait.

Well the next Sunday, was last Sunday; and I really had no intention of tell the story; so I got one of the members of the congregation to assist me. I told her that I was going to start the story and at a certain spot, she should interrupt me saying she didn’t want to hear that silly story and the service was long enough and that I should go directly to the message.

That’s exactly what happened, and the look on people’s faces was priceless. There were looks of shock – that she would interrupt the preacher. There were looks of discuss – whereas they would not get to hear the story after-all. There were looks of confusion as people turn around and stared right at her. Some were surprised, some were not amused and some were wondering what in the world she was doing. All-in-all, it was the funniest thing I have ever send (in church), since Greg White drove his motor-scooter, down the centre isle at Kentville Baptist Church, dressed in a clown outfit.

And, even though I was busy and tired this week, I laughed many times (thinking about that) at April’s expense. So, thank you April – I will make sure everybody knows that I asked you to do that. I hoping they won’t excommunicate you from the church because of it.

Well, I preached at Chapel, at Acadia Divinity College on Friday morning – no pressure. I had the Principal/President of the College (McDonald), the Academic Dean (Killacky) and two scholars of Theology (Wilson & Killacky), professor of Practical Theology and Preaching (Moriah) and a Distinguished Professor of Christian Theology (Brackney) in attendance; as well fellow students and a few stray pastors…A good group of about 20.

I preached on Romans 5:1-5; talking about faith, struggles and ice cream. In my sermon (Living On The Edge) I talked about how sins are an obstacle to having a right relationship with God, but that barriers is quickly removed through confession and repentance. Sin does not keep us from God’s love, failure to repent does.

I was careful not to Exegesis (analyze) any scriptures, I simply delivered a topical sermon and a personal story intertwined. Everyone seemed to enjoy the sermon – not sure if they actually learned anything (except that I like chocolate ice cream – lot). It was a great experience to stand where many holy men and women have stood. I felt honored to share a message in a place that is alive with history and alive with the Holy Spirit.

Tomorrow’s message is entitled; “Far From Home.” It is based upon a prayer request from Corey. He asked that we prayer for all those who are so far away from God, that they think they can’t get back. I want to assure and re-assure all of you that God is never far away and always willing to answer your cry for help. He will accept all those who confess and repent back into His flock. So, no matter how far you have wandered from home, God is as close as your knees.

Well, good day mates.
Blessings upon you; and remember, God loves you all, very much.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Accepted :)

Hi Y'all,
First, I want to let you all know that I have been accepted as a Candidate for Ordination, by the Board of Ministerial Standards and Education; of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches. I received the offical letter yesterday in the mail. Now, the real work begins, as I have to complete a year of intership; and work with a Supervisor / Mentor on certain things the Board feels are important. Also, the church I serve are involved in the Ordination process.

In this next year, I will prepare my Statement of Faith; which is what I believe in and what I feel being a pastor and a Christian is all about. Then, after that year, I will appear in front of the Examining Council and "defend" my Statement of Faith. Seems so complicated and detailed, doesn't it? Years ago, it was God who called you and approved of you; not "man."

Second, and most important, I thank God for His continued support, guidance and love.

The weather is getting better, and I look forward to spring and wandering in the wilderness; where I feel most closest to God.

This Saturday night (March 15, 5:00 pm) is our Annual Rappie Pie and Baked Bean supper. adults $7.00, kids 5-12, $3.00, and under 5, free. So come and enjoy some good food and fellowship.

And then next Saturday night (March 24) is our "Deal or No Deal - New Tusket" at the church hall at 7 pm. Come and watch our contestants play for 'big money' and prizes. It's gonna be soooo much fun. Come one, come all.

Everyone is invited to our weekly Bible Study and Prayer Meeting; Friday nights at 7:30 pm - at the church hall. It's (also) fun, informative and though-provoking. It's an enjoyable time, come on out.

Well, off to the valley Wednesday morning for classes. I just started my next big paper (5000 words) on the Second Coming of Christ, the parousia, Christ's resurrection and the Final Judgement. Just some light reading. Please pray for me as i try to separate these issues and write about how they connect.

Also, this Firday I will preach at Chapel, at Acadia Divinity College; in front of all those professors and students. No pressure at all - but I asked to preach, so now I must take what comes - good or bad comments.

Well, takecare and remember; God loves you very much.

Blessing upon you,
Pastor Brother Brian

PS: Thanks Tanya

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Presence Of The Lord

Hi Gang,
Well, Sunday Service was good! It was a combination between fun and serious. We had a few laughs and got serious when we needed to. I spoke on Holy Ground today. Bottom-line is that God is everywhere, and anywhere God is, is Holy Ground. We must approach this world, God’s creation, with respect and humility; for this is Holy Ground.

The music today was wonderful. The three songs we sang built upon one another; and one could feel the Holy Spirit among us. They three songs were;
“He Is Here”
He is here; hallelujah! He is here amen!
He is here; holy, holy; I will bless His name again.
He is here; listen closely; Hear Him calling out your name.
He is here; you can touch Him. You will never be the same.

“Holy Ground”
This is Holy Ground;
We’re standing on Holy Ground,
For the Lord is present and where He is is Holy.
This is Holy Ground;
We’re standing on Holy Ground,
For the Lord is present and where He is is Holy.

These are Holy hands;
He’s given us Holy hands,
He works through these hands and so these hands are Holy.
These are Holy hands;
He’s given us Holy hands,
He works through these hands and so these hands are Holy.

“Surely The Presence Of The Lord”
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place;
I can feel His mighty power and His grace.
I can hear the brush of angel's wings,
I see glory on each face.
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.

I have been singing these songs most of the day.

April sang a moving and emotional song about being united with God. As we talked this about at the Bible Study the other night, God never puts a barrier between Him and us; we are the ones that create those obstacles. April reminded us that we are all bonded together.

Have a great night, and thank you for your comments. Please chick on and read the other comments as well.

Blessings upon you and always know; “God loves you very much.”

Pastor Brother Brian

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

For some reason every time, my Bible Study and Prayer Meetings are always long; they always go over our allotted time. Don't know why. I don't do all the talking, but they always go over. I blame it on the others. If they wouldn't ask sooo many questions, then we would get out earlier.

In our Study, we are exploring a book in the "Fisherman" series entitled; "Growing Through Life's Challenges." The book shows us how we can learn from people in the scriptures that faced struggles and challenges. Tonight we were lookingat Psalm 51, and talking about how God used a sinful David to accomplish many great things. This story of David teaches us that God want us to be honest with Him in confessing our sins, taking responsiblity for them and asking God to help us with these struggles and ask for forgiveness. The Study tonight was very interesting, lively, informative and fun (no really, we had fun).

During our prayer time, a name was brough forward of a gentleman in the community facing and fighting cancer. I ask all of you to pray for him. He is a good man, well liked and respected in the community. He deserves your prayers and I humbly ask God to make His presence felt in the life of this man and his wife and family.

Matthew 11:28-30;
" Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

I pray that Jesus will ease the burden for this man and his family. For God can reach down at any time and change any situation.

Well, its 3:16am and I'm going to bed. "Date Night tomorrow/tonight at the church 6:30, potluck, all couples are welcome.
Remember, God loves you very much.

Blessings upon you all.
Pastor Brother Brian

Friday, March 9, 2007

This Week

Well, it’s been a long few days.

Left for Wolfville, early Wednesday morning and the snow blew around and made driving not so pleasant – but made it there OK. Had a few errands to do before my first class at 2pm. Had to stop off at NSCC-Annapolis Campus in Middleton to get some of my old transcript information forwarded to Acadia. I had been given 4 credits for courses I did (way back) and the other day the registrar at Acadia decide she needed, not only final marks, but also number of hours per course. So, 2 weeks ago I call NSCC and they told they would send that information out ASAP. Well, that didn’t happen, so I made a visit and was promised they would have it in the mail by Friday (that’s today). Next week I will check with ‘the powers that be’ at Acadia to see if it arrived. God willing, I will graduate in May.

Next, I had to drop off some dry-cleaning for one of the members of the congregation. There was dry-cleaning and pressing; had to keep it all straight. Then I had to tell them I needed it back right away to take back with me on Thursday. The guy looked at me funny for the clothes were mostly women’s pants and pant-suites. Oh well ☹.

Then, dropped off to see my big brother. I invited him to my Commissioning Dinner and Service (on May 11); he said he would be there. That’s 3 out 4 of my siblings confirmed; one more to go.

After that I rushed off to Acadia to catch my 2 pm class. Found out after that, that my evening class (6:30pm – 9:30pm) was cancelled. That was OK.

I called my daughter and met her for coffee and we did a little shopping. I left her (about 6pm) and headed out to where I was staying, but decided to do some visiting with my free-time. I stopped off at Betty & Bob Keddy’s. Two really good friends of Peggy and I, from Kentville Baptist Church, Betty and Bob have always been good friends and very supportive of me entering ministry. Bob is an old softy and can get quite emotional at times.

I picked a bad night to visit as Betty was leaving to go help out with Adventure Club (at Kentville Church) and Bob was leaving shortly after to go to choir practice. But, I did manage to get a roast-beef sandwich and a cup of tea out of the deal before they had to take off. Spent 15 minutes with Bob talking old times, good times and Christ. We both shed a few tears. Peggy and I love everyone at New Tusket and they have treated us so, so good; but we do miss a few people back at Kentville Church.

Well, left there and drove towards Hotel Cahill. That’s where I’m staying, at Betty & Jim Cahill’s house in Cambridge. They are wonderful people; a little older than me, and treat me like their son (daddy-Jim hollers at me a lot and momma-Betty hollers at Jim, for hollering at me).

Before I got to their house, I stopped in to see another couple of friends. Cam & Jean Baker are people we met when we were at Cambridge Baptist Church. So I had a cold drink there, talked about that church for a while and headed to Hotel Cahill, for the night.

Got up early Thursday morning (Jim made pancakes for me for breakfast); told you they treat me well (pancakes, orange juice and tea). He even wakes me up at what ever time I ask. Well, took of to go to brother Rockey’s garage to get my car fixed. Had to put in a new wheel-bearing. Left there early afternoon, went to Rewards Department store in Coldbrook and bought a new headboard, footboard and bed rails for the new box-spring and mattress we bought last Friday. So I loaded all this stuff onto my brother’s truck and headed back to his house; and put it in his shop.

Left there went to Acadia to get Chuck to look at my laptop. I lost all my Acadia emails (3 years worth); I was not a happy camper. Well, Chuck got them all back for me – thank you God. I now take back all those things I said about Chuck ☺. So, after getting my email fixed, I checked my email to find out that Thursday night’s class was also cancelled. Two out of my three class this week cancelled. I could have come home Wednesday after my 2pm class.

Well, left there went down to New Minas picked up the dry-cleaning (which they lost for a few minutes), got some KFC for supper and headed up to Rockey’s again. Chicken was good, but getting real expensive.

The headboard, footboard and bed rails I bought needed to come home with me; problem - I drive a Hyundai Accent. Well, the headboard and footboard were 4 feet wide by 5 feet long, and the bed-rails in the box was 7 feet; problem - I drive a Hyundai Accent. So, I did what any normal person would do (get a truck), no, I tied the headboard and footboard to the roof of my car. I had rope around the top of the boxes, in through my windows and up and around the other side. I then had other rope tied to the box and tied to the front and rear of my car. The (long) bed-rails I shoved into the hatch / trunk, which stuck out the back (tied in of course). Once I had everything secured, I headed home in the blowing snow.

Made good time, only 30 minutes more driving with the boxes flapping and blowing the wind and the rope making a loud whistling sound. I prayed for traveling mercies and God did not disappoint me. Made it home OK and nothing was broke.

Now, here I am Friday morning, got a meeting my Supervisor (of my Supervised Field Education), Fred Bigalow. Good, good man. Tonight is Bible study, prayer meeting and choir practice. I think I want to do a mini musical thing for Easter Sunday. We’ll see what they choir wants to do. This Saturday night is “Date Night” at the church. We’re having a ‘dinner and a movie’ for couples. Pot-luck supper and a romantic movie will be shown; all are invited – starts at 6:30.

Sunday’s sermon, I will be talking about ‘Holy Ground.’ Lot’s to do, so I better get going. Thank you all for your comments – keep them coming. Remember, God loves all of you, so very much.

Blessings upon you;
Pastor Brother Brian

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Work day

Well, today was a work/study day. It was a snowy, blustery day here in New Tusket. So, I stayed inside working on readings and assignments for Wednesday and Thursday; for school.

My last official day of university is April 5; with only one exam due. I think it will be a take-home exam; but it doesn’t make them any easier (or shorter). Commissioning Dinner and Service is May 11. So far I have 2 of my four siblings confirming they will come. I hope and pray that the other 2 can make it. It would mean SO much to me if they all would come.

Convocation is Sunday, May 13 at 3:00. The university gives only 3 tickets per graduate. So, for me that leaves out a lot of family and friends not able to attend. My wife, Peggy, my daughter, Tanya and her husband, Andy will be the three lucky ones.

I am still very moved from Sunday’s service; it was very special, that’s for sure. In my sermon, I spoke directly to the entire congregation, called them by name; and simply told everyone of them that God loves them very much. By the time I was done, I was so moved by the experience, I was in tears – as was many others. God’s presence was felt and His love confirmed.

Today I finished reading “The Pursuit of God” by A. W. Tozer; one of my last assignments for my Supervised Field Education class. We had to read this book and make journal entries, chapter by chapter. Well, that’s done, finally.

My next assignment (for Systematic Theology) is a 5000 word assay on the “End / Last Times, Eschatology, the Second Coming of Christ, the Day of Judgment, The Parousia.” Another tough paper; but, the last one before the take-home exam.

Well been thinking about this Sunday’s service and sermon. I not sure what I want to talk about. I pray that God will put something on my heart. I usually think about possibilities while I’m in the valley at school, write down ideas, and then focus on it on Friday when I get back home. I also prepare for Friday night’s Bible Study and Prayer Meeting, Friday morning and afternoon. Then, back to my service. By Saturday morning (with the help of God), I usually have everything together for Sunday.

Well, off to do some more work; and remember that God loves you, very much.

Blessings upon you all,
Pastor Brother Brian

Monday, March 5, 2007

Awesome God

Hi Everyone;
What an awesome God we have. Yesterday’s service, here at New Tusket Baptist Church, was so special and moving for me (and hopefully for others as well).

First, I had my little sister (Donna Jean) and three children (Andrew, Cody and Victoria) come down to New Tusket for the weekend; and then they came to church with us. It was the first time Donna had heard me preach, and she also blessed us with her gift of music. She sang a most beautiful and meaning hymn; “Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?”

Also, my daughter Tanya came down Saturday night and then came to church as well. It means so much to me as a father, as a husband, as a brother and as a pastor, to have all those people support and encourage me. My wife and daughter have given up so much for me to be here in New Tusket, and I thank them so much; for New Tusket is the place that I feel God has called me to.

Earlier in the week, God had put a message upon my heart. I felt He wanted me to tell the entire congregation that He loves them, very much. So, the service yesterday was centered upon God’s love.

We began with our Call to Worship: Colossians 1:15-20 – which talks about the Supremacy of the Son of God; Jesus Christ being the visible image of the invisible God. And how Christ made peace with everything in heaven and on earth, by means of the shedding of His blood on the cross. For Christ died, so we would be reconciled with God.

The first congregational hymn was “It’s Just Like His Great Love.” This hymn tells us how Jesus rolls those clouds away, to keep us day-by-day, and loves us all along the way. That’s the love of God, through Christ.

The other two congregational hymns were “Love Found a Way” and “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place.” Both, inspiring songs of God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice.

I am very happy that some of the youth in our church help me every week by reading scripture. I feel we all need to feel appreciated and have a place in the church. This is why I ask the youth to participate in our services (every week). Evan, Todd, Alison and Mikaela all help me and I appreciate what they do.

Yesterday, Alison shared her gift of music, as she played the piano for us. It warms my heart to see kids this age taking part in the regular church service. Alison has played for us in the past and has always done a wonderful job; and yesterday was great as well. Thanks, Alison.

My little sister Donna Jean played and sang a most appropriate song for Communion Sunday, which asked some very poignant questions;
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
Were You There When They Nailed Him To The Tree?
Were You There When They Laid Him In The Tomb?
Were You There When He Rose Up From The Dead?

As Easter approaches, we should be asking ourselves what role we played in Christ’s death and His resurrection; and what role we want and will play in His Kingdom, when He comes again.

The scripture lesson yesterday was the Prayer for the Ephesians (3:14-21); read by Evan. Here, the Apostle Paul is using the prayer to empower them, spiritually. Though it highlights other things as well, the prayer’s main message is that God loves them. He loves them and His love is total, and it reaches every corner of their lives.

The love that Paul talks about, and the love that God has for you, is the very same kind of love. God’s love (for you) is wide, it is long, it is high, and it is deep. Because of God’s blessings, we know that He is immensely patient, He forgives again and again, He is merciful, and His love is one promise, that we can always count on; and has not changed since the time of Moses. We can always rely on God’s patience, His forgiveness, His mercy and His unfailing love.

God loves us for many reasons. God cares for His sinful people. He created us, to love us. He loved us so much, that He offered a solution to the problem of sin; and that solution was Christ.

It doesn’t matter what you think you’ve done that was so terrible. It doesn’t matter that you have sinned against God, against others, or against yourself. It doesn’t matter that you have gone astray.

What matters is that God loves you and wants to forgive you. He wants you back to be part of His family again. All you have to do is confess, repent, have remorse for what you have done, and ask for forgiveness. And salvation will be yours, because God loves you so very much.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him, shall not parish, but have eternal life.”

For God so love the world, that He sacrificed His Son for us, He sacrificed His Son for us…And Communion, is a thankful remembrance, of Christ, His love & His sacrificial death upon the cross.

This is the love of God for all, for all of you…

God wants you to know that He loves you (all), very much.

That’s it for now.
Blessings upon you all.
Pastor Brother Brian

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Getting Ready

Hi y'all,
Well today is Saturday, which means tomorrow is Sunday. (also) Communion is tomorrow and is always very special and moving here is New Tusket. I am a bit of a "jokester" and my services are always fun and filled with the joys of the Holy Spirit; but Communion is serious stuff. Communion is a thankful remembrance, of Christ, His love & His sacrificial death on the cross. And even though I like to laugh, what Christ did for us means so much to me - and deserves respect.

So, the message for tomorrow is entitled; "The Message". And the message is; "God loves you, very much." That's the message, spread it around.

Thanks so much to my little sister Donna Jean, for helping get my Blog established. That one picture of me is not such a great one but I will add some other pics later.

Well I need to go get ready for tomorrow.

Blessings upon you all
Pastor Brother Brian

Living On The Edge

Well, my blog account is lost out there somewhere in cyberspace, so I had to create a new one (with the help of my Baby Sister!)... Just to keep the continuity, I have cut and pasted yesterday's post from the old account here so that everything has the appearance of being the same...

Friday, March 2, 2007

Living On The Edge Hi Folks,Pastor Brian here publishing my first Blog. I hope to comment on things pertain to my life and work in Christ. Some will be boring, some will be humorous, some will be inspiring and some will be down right stupid. But, all will be real and from the heart of a changed man who really loves God, in spite of my many shortcomings.My life verses are three that I think should be looked at together and read as on; for they tell of God's love for us and His intention in our lives. They are John 3:16 & 17, and John 10:10:16 "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. 10 The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My (Jesus') purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."God did not send His Son into this world to condemn it because we are all sinners, but because we are all sinners, He sent His Son to save us; for Satan's (the thief's) purpose is to steal that life of salvation from us that God through Christ gives to us as a free and wonderful gift.That's that Gospel, that's the Good News of Christ. And it's not merely a promise but a certainity.Well let me tell you about me. I am finishing up my third and finall year at Acadia Divnity College with my Bachlor of Theology degree. I am serving a small rural, lively church in New Tusket (near Weymouth). The congragation is a loving and accepting group of people and my wife, Peggy, and I really love living in the committee. This country living is a big change from living in the fast pace of New Minas, but we will get used to it and learn to love the slower pace of live.As I continue (and learn how to do), I will post some pictures of my wife and I, the New Tusket Baptist Church and other pics. Drop back soon and Blessings Upon You.Pastor Brian <><