Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

For some reason every time, my Bible Study and Prayer Meetings are always long; they always go over our allotted time. Don't know why. I don't do all the talking, but they always go over. I blame it on the others. If they wouldn't ask sooo many questions, then we would get out earlier.

In our Study, we are exploring a book in the "Fisherman" series entitled; "Growing Through Life's Challenges." The book shows us how we can learn from people in the scriptures that faced struggles and challenges. Tonight we were lookingat Psalm 51, and talking about how God used a sinful David to accomplish many great things. This story of David teaches us that God want us to be honest with Him in confessing our sins, taking responsiblity for them and asking God to help us with these struggles and ask for forgiveness. The Study tonight was very interesting, lively, informative and fun (no really, we had fun).

During our prayer time, a name was brough forward of a gentleman in the community facing and fighting cancer. I ask all of you to pray for him. He is a good man, well liked and respected in the community. He deserves your prayers and I humbly ask God to make His presence felt in the life of this man and his wife and family.

Matthew 11:28-30;
" Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

I pray that Jesus will ease the burden for this man and his family. For God can reach down at any time and change any situation.

Well, its 3:16am and I'm going to bed. "Date Night tomorrow/tonight at the church 6:30, potluck, all couples are welcome.
Remember, God loves you very much.

Blessings upon you all.
Pastor Brother Brian


April Mullen said...

I just wrote a fantastic comment that I lost because I was too much of a Dweeb to remember the username and password that I used to log on to this thing LAST time I left a comment! ARGH!!!

Protect me, Lord, from myself!

So, here goes...

Bible Study is a blessing, isn't it? What a great time to sit around with other people who are as equally un-perfect as you, learning about our un-perfect Bible "heros" and how they endeavoured to overcome their struggles with the various sins that they committed. It is a blessing to know that, since God loved THEM, he can love US too. Equally blessing to realize that it is never God who puts space between us and Him but rather US who drift. It is comforting to know that He is always there beside us no matter HOW far away from Him we think we are.

In reference to your "This Week" entry:

It's fantastic that you write a story when you tell about your day. I love that because it is exactly how I write (and, well, talk for that matter) I love detail and humour and even a bit of sarcasm (compliments of my Pa).

Prayers going up for your and all the assignments and papers there are to finish as well as for that take-home exam (gulp!). Just remember, no matter what anxiety or frustration they bring, with every word you write of that 5000 word paper, you are one closer to being a GRAD! It doesn't get any better than that... believe me I've been there... twice!

Have a great day! See you at date night (with a date of my own, don't worry... but I just can't decide if I'll take Craig or if I have time to find someone else before 6:30 (giggle, giggle!). Come on, I am JUST kidding :).


Life As I Know It / A Light In The Harbour said...

HI Brian,

We know how difficult it is for family members to watch someone we love suffer with cancer, don't we? It is very easy to sympathize with these folks, and be assured that they are in my thoughts and prayers.

Pilippians 4:6&7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding with guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

This is my prayer for this family, the indescribable peace of God to envelop each and every one of them, holding the family together in order that they may face and fight this cancer demon united.

The Scripture that you posted is one of my favorites. There is a song based on this passage, and when I think of it I will post it on my A Light In The Harbour blog.

Take care, and have a good service tomorrow.

Love Your Baby Sister.

Anonymous said...

Uncle inspire me to be more than I am and to put more of my trust in God and His love... You have shown me no matter how far I fall from grace, God will ALWAYS accept me back into his fold... You are truly an amazing person...not only because you are my uncle but because YOU have faced challenges and finally found where you belong. I am more than proud to call you my uncle and even more proud of you for having the courage and faith to follow God's word. I only hope that I can see that light as you have. Your church is very lucky to have you...You and yours are always in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to coming to bible study sometime! It sounds very interesting. I hope that everyone will pray for Stanley. He and his family are so loved.