Saturday, March 17, 2007


Well this week was long and busy. And even though I was tired and rushed all week, I seem to have a smile upon my face all week – and I will tell you why.

At Church, I have been trying to tell this one story for about a month or so. The first Sunday I wanted to tell it was Communion Sunday, so I felt the story was inappropriate for that service. The next Sunday, I forgot about it. The next Sunday, I promised to tell the story next week. Well, when next week came, the service was running a little long, so I explained the situation to the people and, again, promised to tell it next week. I told them that it was a really good story and well worth the wait.

Well the next Sunday, was last Sunday; and I really had no intention of tell the story; so I got one of the members of the congregation to assist me. I told her that I was going to start the story and at a certain spot, she should interrupt me saying she didn’t want to hear that silly story and the service was long enough and that I should go directly to the message.

That’s exactly what happened, and the look on people’s faces was priceless. There were looks of shock – that she would interrupt the preacher. There were looks of discuss – whereas they would not get to hear the story after-all. There were looks of confusion as people turn around and stared right at her. Some were surprised, some were not amused and some were wondering what in the world she was doing. All-in-all, it was the funniest thing I have ever send (in church), since Greg White drove his motor-scooter, down the centre isle at Kentville Baptist Church, dressed in a clown outfit.

And, even though I was busy and tired this week, I laughed many times (thinking about that) at April’s expense. So, thank you April – I will make sure everybody knows that I asked you to do that. I hoping they won’t excommunicate you from the church because of it.

Well, I preached at Chapel, at Acadia Divinity College on Friday morning – no pressure. I had the Principal/President of the College (McDonald), the Academic Dean (Killacky) and two scholars of Theology (Wilson & Killacky), professor of Practical Theology and Preaching (Moriah) and a Distinguished Professor of Christian Theology (Brackney) in attendance; as well fellow students and a few stray pastors…A good group of about 20.

I preached on Romans 5:1-5; talking about faith, struggles and ice cream. In my sermon (Living On The Edge) I talked about how sins are an obstacle to having a right relationship with God, but that barriers is quickly removed through confession and repentance. Sin does not keep us from God’s love, failure to repent does.

I was careful not to Exegesis (analyze) any scriptures, I simply delivered a topical sermon and a personal story intertwined. Everyone seemed to enjoy the sermon – not sure if they actually learned anything (except that I like chocolate ice cream – lot). It was a great experience to stand where many holy men and women have stood. I felt honored to share a message in a place that is alive with history and alive with the Holy Spirit.

Tomorrow’s message is entitled; “Far From Home.” It is based upon a prayer request from Corey. He asked that we prayer for all those who are so far away from God, that they think they can’t get back. I want to assure and re-assure all of you that God is never far away and always willing to answer your cry for help. He will accept all those who confess and repent back into His flock. So, no matter how far you have wandered from home, God is as close as your knees.

Well, good day mates.
Blessings upon you; and remember, God loves you all, very much.


April Mullen said...

Am I going to beat your sister to being the first comment of this posting? I just happened to still be online commenting on your Tuesday posting.

To everyone out there, I AM the April at whose expense he was having his giggles this past week. I have heard this week that if almost anyone else had said those things about your story in church that people would have gotten the joke but since it was ME, they were mortified. Believe me I have had my share of that feeling this week. While you were laughing, I was trying to figure out how to make my public appologies this Sunday at service!!! Should I make it while at the pulpit... put something in the bulletin... ask Christy to put an annoucement on the slideshow...? I'm sure once you SHARE a laugh with the congregation at my expense from the pulpit tomorrow, everyone will go back to thinking of me as the quiet, non-interfering, head-on-her-shoulders, lovely, sweet, young woman that I am :)(Are you laughing now? and can you catch the touch of sarcasm in my writing?Because I'm not REALLY trying to make you feel bad, unless you do... and then that's okay :)-)

Looking forward to tomorrow's service. I'm EVALUATING... Good Luck!


Living On The Edge said...

Oh, I forgot you were evaluating tomorrow. That really made me laugh and cry too.

Life As I Know It / A Light In The Harbour said...

April you would not have beaten me except I was sitting vigil at the hospital with hubby's cousin who was in surgery getting his leg fixed up after he broke it. hehehe

Oh Brian, you are so funny. You KNOW you like Neopolitan ice cream more than chocolate, because that is all you would let Mom buy! And I STILL hate it! haha

I really wish I could have been at Manning yesterday. Probably a good thing I wasn't, though, bad memories there!

Love Your Baby Sister
(Who will beat April next time! :) )