Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter

Today, Christ rose from the grave to fulfill the Prophecies of long ago. The Resurrection is what our faith is based on. Christ died to reconcile we sinners back to a right relationship with God, and God resurrected Jesus to prove there is life after death, through Christ.

The service today was packed (70+). We had a great Easter breakfast and the service after. Lots of people came out to share a meal with one another, and then stayed for our mini-musical Easter celabration and praise service. Please check out "From The Pulpit."

Well was leaving to go to church this morning and got my wife's car stuck (in a snow-bank) in the driveway. So then we took my car over. Then after church we were invited to Craig, April and Mya's house for an Easter dinner with a whole punch of people - mostly Allens and Mullens. Well, on the way, the idler for the fanbelt flew off the car, as did the fanbelt. Peggy will not let me drive her car ever again.

Learned quite alot at that dinner about the fine art of mashed potatoes and gravy consumption. One person (Craig) who will remain nameless, likes to press down all his potatoes, leaving ridges so the gravy sinks into the pototoes. Another person (April) who will remain nameless likes to construct 'wall' all the way around the edge of her pototoes, so the gravy doesn't get away. And another person (Ben) who will remain nameless, presses his pototoes down in a flatten state, making the ridges with his fork (like Craig) and then stabs the pototoes (like in the shower scene from the movie Psycho). He says this way the gravy 'seeps' into the pototoes.

Ya' never know where you will learn certain things. Next Sunday, I hoping to explore the issue of whether banannas should be kept in the fridge or not. Some say it speeds up the ripening process, whereas I feel it keeps them firm and at the right temperature for making ice-cream sundaes.

Happy Easter and remember God loves you all very much.

Vroom, Vroom,
Pastor Brother Brian


April Mullen said...

Dear Pastor Brian,

I am glad you learned so much at my Easter dinner. You ought to come more often... you may learn something more.

I laughed my butt off reading your blog. Keep it up!


Thursdays Child said...

Personally, I feel that bananas should be kept on the counter, cause I like looking at the pretty yellow colour. In the fridge, they turn the yucky black colour. While that doesn't seem to take away fromt he flavour, they just don't look as nice....that's my opinion, at least!! Enjoyed the service today - especially making you loose count!!!! LOL ;) Have a great week, Talk to you when we get back from Truro! Toodles! C.

Life As I Know It / A Light In The Harbour said...

HI Brian,
I was talking to April last night and told her that you come by your "sissy~ness" honestly...we area all sissies in this family.
Love you lots,