Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday's Service

Hi Everyone,
Woke up to a phone call early this morning, to learn that we had lost an important and well-loved member of the congragation.

The service today reflected a sense of sadness, but also a sense of victory as we experienced Chrsit's triumpant ride into Jerusalem. Please check out the service on "From The Pulpit."

This coming week will be filled with sorrow as we morn, it will also be filled with agony as we follow the events of Jesus' last week on earth, and also filled with Joy, as Easter Approaches and Christ our Lord and savior is resurrected back to life and we live forever because of Him.

Blessings this week, check out the pre-Easter services at Ashmore Baptist Church - Tuesday to Friday night.

Pastor Brother Brian


April Mullen said...

It is always sad to lose a member of our church family, but we can rejoice knowing that she has gone to be with our Lord and Saviour. No more sickness. No more suffering.

The service was wonderful today. I even enjoyed participating in your drama! (Did you write it?)

May the Lord bless you today (even if you are going to watch Wrestling).


P.S. Hey Princess, I beat you!! (hee hee)

Life As I Know It / A Light In The Harbour said...

Hi Pastor Brother Brian,

I am sorry to hear of the passing of your friend.

There was something else I heard today...about you...anything you want to share????

How did April do singing this morning? I bet it was lovely.

We had Dr. Emir Silvestru at our church this morning from Creation Ministries. It was all very interesting. Here is his website so you can check him out.

We are going back tonight to hear him again.

Well, 10 more days and I am off to Newfoundland. After I get back we will look at coming down. I can't wait to come down again, maybe stay longer this time...after all, April and I need to go do SOMETHING together in "Not-Digby"...

Love your Baby Sister Donna-Jean

Living On The Edge said...

"The Conversation" was written by me, from the research I did in preparation for the sermon I was writing. The Lord just gave me another idea to deliever that message.


Living On The Edge said...

Today's service was wonderful. April DID do a great job and so did Corey. Thanks so much you two.